Third Forest
Katya Ovechkina, Sasha Kanuka
Katya Ovechkina, Shasha Kanuka. Video Essay, Performance, 2021–ongoing
"This is about a closeness that is immeasurable, incomparable to the objective distance between any two points in abstract space. Such is the closeness experienced (and this is more than just an isolated example) by two close individuals, no matter how geographically distant they may be from each other."
— M. Marder, "The Closeness of the Forest"
The working title of the project, "The Third Forest," brings together a series of photographs, videos, texts, and bodily practices. The connections between the artists' works create a non-anthropocentric perspective on human-forest interaction through sensuality, corporeality, and presence.
The artists construct rhizomatic structures in virtual space, presenting them to the viewer as a site-specific installation (video essay).
If the first forest is real and materially exists, and the second forest is a foreign ghost without traces of memory, then the third forest is a place of safety, emerging from the lack of presence.
The Third Forest exists as a virtual place of encounter and closeness, but also as a space of sensation and presence.